Sunday, April 25, 2021

Basics of Mouthwash

Patient Education Post - 5

Hello everyone! 😊

This new blog is basically a Question-Answer post about  the use of mouthwash. 

There will be 5 questions and their brief answers regarding  some concepts about Mouthwash, which can be very helpful to you  in  your daily dental care routine. Lets start.

1. Why you should not brush within 30 min after meal?

Ans :  
•  Ideally you should wait for 30 to 45 minutes after your meal.

• As, after every meal pH level of your mouth decreases and this acidic pH is very harmful to our teeth.

• Your body has a natural way to correct the high acid levels in your mouth and return it to proper ph level.

• It's the work of saliva which kills the bacteria through it's own enzymes and give your enamel ( outermost layer of tooth) the balance it needs to continue it's protective work.

• and hence brushing immediately after meals can be highly abrasive when enamel is already weakened by high acid levels.

2. Can you eat/drink immediately after the use of mouthwash?

Ans :  
• No, you can not eat or drink immediately after gargling with the mouthwash.

• As the product is meant to provide you with results. You need to give it long enough to do it's job.

• Rinsing your teeth will only strip them of the product.

• Leave it on for as long as you can, by just spitting it out after you gargle with the mouthwash.

3. How and when to use mouthwash?

Ans : 
• Most of the people think of 'Mouthwash'  as a finishing part to brushing, but since mouthwash is a liquid it can actually remove valuable fluoride from your teeth after brushing.

• Yes, even if the mouthwash has flouride in it, toothpaste is far more better at administering flouride for your teeth.

• As we can not consume any liquid/food for at least 30 min after brushing it is advisable to use mouthwash after 30-45 min after brushing.

• Adults can take 15 ml of mouthwash in a given cap of the bottle and gargle it for minimum 30 seconds to 1 min. 

4. Are mouthwashes safe for children? 

Ans : 
• Children under six should not use mouthwash as the swallowing reflexes are not Fully devloped and could swallow the mouthwash

• If your child ingest  mouthwash containing flouride constantly it may cause flourosis/ enamel discoloration of teeth

5. Which mouthwashes are advisable to use? 

Ans : 
• There are many mouthwashes available for different purposes and they are as follows, 
  1. Chlorhexidine mouthwash (Chlohex ADS) : 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash has a good range of antimicrobial activity.
  2. Hiora and Hiora K mouthwash : Hiora K mouthwash has desensitizing effects.
  3. Sensodent K plus mouthwash : For sensitivity purpose
  4. B-mine mouthwash : OSMF  cases only after your dentist's prescription
  5. Betadine mouthwash :  For cases where there is intraoral wounds and swelling 

Hope this basic information helps you to get more aware about the use of mouthwashs. 

Thank you! 😄


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